COMMITTEE:    Transportation & Homeland Security 

TIME & DATE:  9:00 AM, Thursday, April 12, 2012 

PLACE:        E1.036 (Finance Room) 
CHAIR:        Senator Tommy Williams 



The Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security will meet jointly with the Senate Committee on Veteran Affairs & Military installations to discuss the following interim charge:


·                Study the appropriate role of Texas state military forces in enhancing the safety of all Texans, and make recommendations for improving the coordination, accountability, and effectiveness of all components of our state military forces, including the national, state, and air guards. Identify limitations on the forces providing border security and other operations, and make recommendations for better coordination with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.


Upon adjournment / recess of the joint committee hearing, the Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security will meet and discuss the following interim charges:


·                Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Transportation & Homeland Security, 82nd Legislature, Regular and Called Sessions, and make recommendations for any legislation needed to improve, enhance, and/or complete implementation. Specifically, monitor the following: Progress of the Texas Department of Public Safety's Driver License Division efforts to enhance driver license processing, including technology and staff improvements, establishment of mega centers, additional mobile offices, and increased number of temporary visitor document processing staff.


·                Examine the impact of border violence and illegal trafficking on the Texas economy, including the infringement of Texas property rights. Make recommendations for enhancing border security and maximizing federal resources targeted for this purpose.


Invited and public testimony will be heard.