COMMITTEE:    Government Organization 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Tuesday, February 19, 2013 

PLACE:        2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) 
CHAIR:        Senator Judith Zaffirini 



SB 111        Lucio                  
Relating to the preservation of Texas Historical Use Buildings.

SB 116        Hinojosa               
Relating to the consideration of ownership interests of disabled veterans in determining whether a business is a historically underutilized business for purposes of state contracting.

SB 283        Estes                  
Relating to the number of members of the Texas Historical Commission.

SB 328        Carona                 
Relating to the hiring of entrepreneurs-in-residence by state agencies.

*Additional bills may be added to the agenda.


*Public testimony will be limited to three minutes.


*If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk. Each copy must include a name, date, and source.