COMMITTEE:    Government Organization 

TIME & DATE:  8:00 AM, Thursday, May 16, 2013 

PLACE:        2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) 
CHAIR:        Senator Judith Zaffirini 



HB 12         Flynn | et al.          SP: Zaffirini
Relating to gifts and other consideration made to state agencies for state employee salary supplement or other purposes, and to publication by state agencies of staff compensation and related information.

HB 3116       Cook                    SP: Schwertner
Relating to the recovery of uniform statewide accounting project costs from state agencies and vendors.

HB 3648       Harper-Brown            SP: Paxton
Relating to the awarding of governmental contracts.

*Additional bills may be added to the agenda.


*Public testimony will be limited to three minutes.


*If submitting written testimony, please provide 20 copies to the committee clerk. Each copy must include a name, date, and source.




Bills added after last posting:

HB 12

HB 3116

HB 3648


** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **