
            January 30, 2013 9:00 AM

            SB 1


                                 Bynum, Betty  At Home Mom (My Children 6 + 1)

                                 Dooley, Michelle  (Son Morgan - Community Now!), Ft Worth, TX

                                 Havel, Christy  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Henderson, Tracy  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (Health and

                                 Human Services Commission), Austin, TX

                                 Janek, M.D., Kyle  Executive Commissioner, HHSC  (also providing written testimony)

                                 (Health and Human Services Commission), Austin, TX

                                 Jenkins, James  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (Dept of Aging

                                 and Disability Services), TX

                                 Jenkins, James  Chief Financial Officer  (also providing written testimony) (Dept of Aging

                                 and Disability Services)

                                 Lakey, Dr. David  Commissioner, Dept of State Health Services  (also providing written

                                 testimony) (Dept of State Health Services)

                                 Littlefield, Lindsay  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 McKelvey, Allen  Student (Myself)

                                 McKelvey, Earl  Student (Myself), Missouri City, TX

                                 McKelvey, Edward  Student (Myself), Missouri City, TX

                                 McKelvey, Jennifer  Student (Myself), Missouri City, TX

                                 McKelvey, Mathew  Student (Myself), Missouri City, TX

                                 McKelvey, Rochelle  Student (Myself), Missouri City, TX

                                 McKelvey, Rochelle  Student  (Self), Missouri City

                                 Morstad, Donna  LBB Staff (LBB)

                                 Rymal, Greta  Staff @ (Tx Health & Human Services Commission)

                                 Sentilles, Emily  LBB Staff  (also providing written testimony) (LBB)

                                 Taylor, Allison  Executive Director  (also providing written testimony) (Office of Violent

                                 Sex Offender Management), Austin, TX

                                 Washington, Pamela  Board Certified Behavior Analyst (Texana), Rosenberg, TX

                                 Washington, Pamela J,  Board Certified Behavior Analyst (Texana), Rosenberg, TX

                                 Weizenbaum, John  Commissioner  (also providing written testimony) (TX Dept. of Aging

                                 and Disability Services), Austin, TX

                                 Wheeler, Bill  CFO  (also providing written testimony) (DSHS)

                                 Wilson, Douglas  Inspector General  (also providing written testimony) (Health and Human

                                 Services Commission - Office of Inspector General), Austin, TX

                  Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Denton, Douglas  Executive Director (Tx Association of Substance Abuse Programs),

                                 Dallas, TX

                                 Israel, Gordon  Administrator (Draco Services, Inc)


                                 Bearden, Chase  (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities), Austin

                                 Blackburn, Celeste  General Counsel (Office of Violent Sex Offender Management),

                                 Austin, TX

                                                                              WITNESS LIST


            January 30, 2013 9:00 AM

                                 MacLaurin, Andy  LBB Staff (LBB)

                                 McGeady, John  LBB Staff (LBB)

                                 Worry, Lisa  Program Specialist (Office of Violent Sex Offender Management), Austin, TX

                  Providing written testimony:


                                 Imken, Lorie  Office Manager (Greg Ewing, President TX Dentists for Medicaid Reform),

                                 Austin, TX


                                 Kendrick, Bruce  Embrace Texas (Foster/adoptive children & families)

                                 Sperry, Bryan  President, Trade Association (Children's Hospital Association of Texas),

                                 Austin, TX