COMMITTEE:     Health & Human Services 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Thursday, February 18, 2016 

PLACE:         Senate Chamber 
CHAIR:         Senator Charles Schwertner 



The Senate Committee on Health and Human Services will convene to discuss the following interim charges:


·          Study and make recommendations on innovative methods and best practices to promote healthy aging for the state’s population and reduce chronic medical and behavioral health conditions. Identify opportunities for improved collaboration to promote healthy aging in the health and human services system at the state, regional and local levels;

·          Examine and recommend ways to improve quality and oversight in long-term care settings, including nursing homes and ICF/HCS programs. Monitor the implementation of legislation addressed by the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services during the 84th Regular Session related to the revocation of nursing home licenses for repeated serious violations; and

·          Examine the cause of action known as “wrongful birth.” The study should examine (1) its history in Texas, (2) its effect on the practice of medicine, and (3) its effect on children with disabilities and their families. Examine related measures proposed or passed in other states. 


Individuals wishing to provide public testimony will be allowed to speak for 3 minutes total on any of the above charges.









** See Committee Coordinator for previous versions of the schedule **