COMMITTEE:     Veteran Affairs & Border Security 

TIME & DATE:   9:00 AM, Wednesday, August 29, 2018 

PLACE:         2E.20 (Betty King Cmte. Rm.) 
CHAIR:         Senator Donna Campbell 



Border Security - Law Enforcement: Study and make recommendations on opportunities to create public safety partnerships. Consider the federal 287(g) program and any needs of a state or local jurisdiction when entering in a Memorandum of Agreement for receiving delegated federal authority. Review cross training programs offered in other states that allow U.S. Border Patrol agents to be certified as state peace officers, and determine if Texas could create such a program.


Border - Invasive Species: Study and make recommendations on the impact to border security caused by invasive plant species, such as Carrizo cane and salt cedar. Review proposals for eradication of invasive plant species that provide a natural shelter for human trafficking and/or smuggling arms and illicit substances.


Monitoring: Monitor the implementation and impact of legislation passed by the Texas Legislature. Make recommendations for any needed improvements or steps to ensure completion.

·                SB 27 by Campbell 85(R), relating to the mental health program for veterans;

·                SB 277 by Campbell 85(R), relating to ad valorem tax incentives for wind-powered energy devices near military aviation facilities; and

·                SB 389 by Rodriguez 84(R), relating to the addition of military occupational specialty codes on state agency employment listings.